Welcome to Gopher Count!                        #1 International Bestselling Author Lisa Loucks Christenson


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 Lisa Loucks Christenson's Welcome to Gopher Count, Episode One, VIOLA, MINNESOTA Series


According to Trixy, Habby’s wife of half a century, one thing Habby excelled at was sniffing out gophers in his soybean fields, even from a distance of fifty feet.

Two worries loomed over Habby regarding the upcoming Viola Gopher Count Contest: his doctor-ordered lifestyle changes and Jorge Cradey, a new neighbor from Riceville Iowa.

Unlike his friends and family, Habby had learned from the town crier that Jorge chose had a choice to move to Floriday, to venture further south would be Habby's dream life. However,  that was not the way Jorge moved, instead he packed up his things and moved north into Habby's neck of the woods.

Habby was told that Jorge had a desire to experience the natural wonders of Minnesota and a place where he could continue winning gopher hunts, trophies, and the cash rewards.

Jorge didn’t settle for just any farm either - he handpicked one that was rich with the aroma of fresh hay and had a chorus of chirping birds in the background. He purchased the most coveted plot of land in four counties, known as Bull Frog Springs, renowned for its exceptional gopher hunting opportunities. The upcoming Viola Gopher Hunt Competition marked a significant milestone for Habby, as he finally faced a true rival after five decades. 

It wasn’t just that which bothered Habby. The sight of the newcomer hanging up a sign on his mailbox that boasted his 55-year reign as the Arkansas State Gopher Count King was impossible to miss. He had the upper hand, not only because he was five years older than Habby but also because he had the most desirable gopher fields right in his backyard, in the very hunting grounds that Habby cherished, despite never having set foot in that state. If old man Dillard hadn’t passed away, he would still tend to those grounds this year too, meticulously pruning the flowers and trimming the hedges. 

When Trixy handed Habby one of her best fruitcakes, its weight surprised him as he felt the dense texture beneath his fingers. Habby knew that this was a special gift, but he couldn’t bring himself to go out of his way to say hello to the new neighbor, Jorge.

The closer Habby got to Jorges’ place, the more he realized that gopher hunting on old man Dillard’s land was a thing of the past. While nearing Jorges’ place, Habby’s mind was consumed by the realization that there would be no more gopher hunting on old man Dillard’s land.

Upon entering Jorges' driveway, his eyes were immediately drawn to Jorge’s brazen sign, and he couldn’t help but silently wish for its disappearance by a plow truck during the upcoming winter.  


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